Skye Estate Maintenance
Elm House
Claygate Lane
Thames Ditton
M:07932 696129


At Sky Maintenance we follow a number of strict policies that makes us different from our competitors. By following these guidelines, clients can be sure that they will receive the best, most professional and reliable service on the market.

Quality Assurance Policy
We aim to create a good working relationship with all of our clients. We constantly monitor our own performance and we implement any required changes as quickly as possible. Our management team constantly reviews work programmes so that all staff and clients are satisfied with the procedures in place.

Please download our full Quality Assurance Policy for more details.

Environmental Policy
We take the environment very seriously and deliver all of our services under the ISO14001 Standard.  Our Environmental Management System embraces the principles of sustainable development and we are totally committed to a process of continual environmental improvement and pollution prevention. We are at the forefront of good environmental practice and look to exceed the standards wherever possible.

More is explained in our full Environmental Policy, which can be downloaded here.

As mentioned, sustainable development is central to our practices. We:

  • Do not use any chemicals in any of our cleaning products
  • Are a fully credited BSI 9001:2008 company and SAFE contractor
  • Contractor Plus Accreditated
  • Hold a full waste registered license
  • Are fully insured

All of our feeds and water products are naturally harvested, which demonstrates our commitment to sustaining the natural environment. You can rely on us to fully understand the needs of environment and we recycle and compost wherever possible.

Health and Safety
Sky Estate Maintenance complies with all aspects of the Health and Safety Act 1974. We:

  • Provide regular health, safety and awareness training to all members of staff to reduce the risk of accidents
  • Employ a health and safety representative who is fully qualified to oversee all aspects of training and all work carried out

Please download our full policy here.